Beigel Bake, Shoreditch,London

Here we go, first post as a southerner, and what a way to start. After a busy week I had the weekend free, and decided to spend the day in London meeting up with an old internet friend for the first time.

Our day took us to Brick Lane for a look around the Duke of Uke, London’s premier ukulele retailer. Whilst in the area I decided to stop by somewhere that, thanks to FoodGeek on Instagram, I was recently made aware of… Beigel Bake!


As we passed earlier the queue was out of the door, but I wouldn’t worry about this if it is, as the queue moves at speed, and it helps going in knowing what you want, which I did.


Prices for a fille bagel/beigel start a sale little as £1.10 for a peanut butter or Nutella filled one, to a stupidly reasonable £1.90 for smoked salmon and cream cheese, and at the highest end, a still stupidly reasonable £4.10 for their excellent salt beef beigel, naturally I added gherkins to take it up to £4.30.


This photo above doesn’t really do the quantity of meat justice…


Three generous thick slices of salt beef with gherkins and fiery mustard in bagel with a chewy crust which yielded into light and fluffy bread. The beef itself, still hot, fell apart in my mouth, flavoursome from the curing process. Without a doubt this is one of the best sandwiches I have eaten in my life.

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